Environment Management Framework and Social Management Plan" conducted on 6th May 2019 at NASC, New Delhi
The workshop was inaugurated by the ND, NAHEP, Dr.R.C Agrawal. Fifty five nodal officers of Environment and Social Safeguards from the 27 ongoing IDPs, CAASTs and IGs funded by NAHEP attended the workshop. The workshop was conducted by the PIU, NAHEP with the assistance of the ESS consultants appointed for the purpose. Sh.Anupam Joshi, Senior Envrionment Specialist and Ms.Vanita Kommu, Environment Safegurads consultant from the World Bank participated and addressed the audience. Sh.Punit Agarwal, Counsellor from Indian Green Building Council, Confederation of Indian Industries, presented a talk on the Green Building Movement in India.
Dr.R C Agrawal in his inaugural address and wrap up remarks highlighted the importance of complying with the safeguard requirements and adoption of best practices by the implementing centres there by rendering the project environmentally friendly and socially inclusive. He also exhorted upon the nodal officers to be well versed with the different Acts and Regualtions lilely to be triggred during the implementation and adhere to the guidelines stipulated. He desired that the experts dealing with the different autorities like biodervisity, environment and forest, seed Act, Pesticides Act, etc to be involved as resource persons in future workshops.
There were concurrent sessions on formulation of Environment Sustainability Plans and Social Equity Plans for the respective coordinators guided by the consultants Sh.Ranjit Kumar Sahoo and Ms.Indira Prakash. In the subsequent joint session, nodal officers from seven AUs presented their draft plans for the benefit of all participants. The participants were requested to prepare similar draft plans and send for the comments by the PIU and integrate the final ESPs into their full proposal before 20 May 2019.
Dr.P.Ramasundaram, National Coordinator, IDP and Nodal Officer, ESS, NAHEP welcomed the gathering and Dr.R.B.Sharma, National Coordinator, IG proposed vote of thanks. Ms.Indira Prakash, Consultant, Environment Safeguards, PIU, NAHEP compered the programme.
Environment Management Framework and Social Management Plan" conducted on 6th May 2019 at NASC, New Delhi