Event Details
Event Name :
Internship on Nursery of Horticulture Crops
Event Venue :
College of Horticulture, Munirabad at CHES, Chettalli, Kodagu (UHS Bagalkot)
Contact person details :
Dr. Raghavendra K. Mesta
Principle Investigator, NAHEP-IDP, UHS Bagalkot
Event Date :
The objective of this programme was to develop the nursery management skills of the trainees through practical experiences and hands-on-training to various nursery activities.
Pre Event Description :
Throughout the world, nurseries come in all types and sizes. Many are small family businesses, sometimes just a small hobby business to supplement the family’s normal source of income. At the other end of the scale are large commercial enterprises that employ dozens of people and grow millions of plants. No matter what size, a nursery always needs good management if it is to be financially viable. The nursery industry has been a growth industry throughout the world for several decades. In this regard this internship was planned.
Target Group: