Event Details

Event Name :
Soft Skill and Personality Development training program
Event Venue :
Contact person details :
Dr. Raghavendra K. Mesta
Principle Investigator, NAHEP-IDP, UHS Bagalkot
Event Date :
7/6/2024 To 7/7/2024
Objective: To build self-confidence, self-motivation, attitude and other skills to students. Throughout the session students were very active and energetic. After self-motivation, both expert speakers shared their life experiences and significance of soft skills on their life. Afternoon, session was held on body languages and postures, eye contact during presentations and interviews.
Pre Event Description :
Soft skill and personality development training programme was organized by NAHEP-IDP at COH, Kolar. Total 65 students undergone the training programme. To build self-confidence, self-motivation, attitude and other skills to students. Throughout the session students were very active and energetic. After self-motivation, both expert speakers shared their life experiences and significance of soft skills on their life. Afternoon, session was held on body languages and postures, eye contact during presentations and interviews.
Target Group: Students,
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